formerly The Moor Room (now Revenge of Sovereignty) underwent name changes
as it is associated with
fascist history in
the dance world that is degrading to my Moorish (capital M) chick self.
Any way i am the Moorish chick who wrote the html
to the site and reillustrated
and rewrote
the transpositional
algorithm here. (with errors) The Moors invented the algorithm and
I am one who is using it well.
Im your lover.
I am your zero.
I am most of all, tired of blood on the dance floor
History is watching.
xFuck Fascismx
using UnityEngine; public class PlayerControls : MonoBehaviour { public CharacterController controller; public Animator anim; public float runningSpeed = 10f; public float gravity = 9.8f; private float rot = 200f; // Rotation speed private Vector3 movedir =; private float verticalVelocity = 0f; // Gravity handling void Update() { HandleMovement(); } private void HandleMovement() { if (controller == null) return; // Avoid null reference errors float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); // Corrected axis names float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); if (controller.isGrounded) { movedir = transform.forward * vertical * runningSpeed; anim.SetBool("isRunning", vertical != 0); // Corrected animation state transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * horizontal * rot * Time.deltaTime); verticalVelocity = 0f; // Reset gravity when on ground } else { verticalVelocity -= gravity * Time.deltaTime; // Apply gravity } movedir.y = verticalVelocity; controller.Move(movedir * Time.deltaTime); // Corrected Time.deltaTime } }